


M J Bridge





Contact me

I’d love to hear from you.

If all I get is a comment on how much you love or hate the site then that is fine.

But constructive thoughts would be particularly welcome.

The site has not been independently proof-read -

any feedback in this respect would be greatly appreciated.

If you find an example hand with twelve or fourteen cards please let me know;

if it’s a simple typo, or a missing word, please let me know;

and if I have misrepresented some convention with which I have only limited familiarity then please let me know.

One or two correspondents have helped considerably in this respect - see sources and acknowledgements.

And if you have an alternative view regarding some part of the content, please let me know.

I shall be more than happy to edit the content in the light of such correspondence.

Contact me by email at


This page last revised 10th Dec 2019