

M J Bridge




Beginner and above

Context  -  Opening two of a suit.

The weak bids

Weak opening bids have been at the centre of something of a growth industry over the last decade or two.

Whereas at one time they were only to be found as single-suited offerings at the three-level and higher they are now also regularly to be encountered at the two-level, possibly in as many as three suits, any one of which may well show either of a one- or a two-suited hand.

The possibilities are discussed in the following categories:-

single-suited weak twos

two-suited weak twos

weak only multis

Ways of selecting and incorporating these bids into your system are discussed under

combining the bids

I should also mention at this point that an opening bid of 2NT is also played as weak and preemptive on occasion.

This is a potentially powerful method.  It is discussed elsewhere.

There is little new in the present section, but there are important differences of style with which some will not be familiar.

If at present you have a rigid style of preemptive openings then you will be able to benefit by adding some flexibility as indicated in the following pages, provided that your partner is on the same wavelength.

Note that this section incorporates ‘multi’ bids in which all the options are weak.